idea of pilgrimage
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
More than yesterday
Canoryon Lowen
Church of St James the Great Southstoke
Canvin, H.G.
Castle’s in Europe
Castle, Roy
Valdedoras: an alternative winter route to the Camino Francés, along the Sil Valley
Castro Voces, Antonio
Brincadeiras poéticas
Castro, Plácido
Solemne apertura de la Puerta Santa
Catedral de Santiago
Compostela pilgrim
Caucci von Saucken, Paolo G.
shrine of Our Lady of Caversham – past and present
Caversham, St Mary's. Also includes "Notes on the Shrine of Our Lady at Caversham" (typescript) by Mullaney, John.
Pilgrim spirit : Elías Valiña and the revival of the Camino 1959-1989
Celeiro Álvarez, Luís (trans. and "lightly revised" Dennett, Laurie)