CSJ visit to Navarre, October 1995
Quaife, Patricia et al
St James’s Day [1993] in England
Quaife, Patricia et al
Changing with the times
Quaife, Patricia, and Marples, Marion
Practical pilgrim days in Warwick and Chester
Quaife, Patricia, and Nolan, Brendan
English hospital at Herrerias
Quaife, Patricia, and Samuel, Mervyn
CSJ study visit to the Maragatería, October 1996
Quaife, Patricia, and Smith, Leslie
Kiwi on the camino
Quaife, Patricia, and Spence, Richard
Walker or Pilgrim?
Quinn, Owen
la memoria de D. Augusto Quintana Prieto
Quintana Prieto, Augusto
Reclusa: novela breve C. Cadenas
Quintana Prieto, Augusto