Chemin de Compostelle (Way of St James), Belgium – Paris
Amis de Saint -Jacques de Compostelle (Association Belge) et al. (and Collignon, Brigitte ; Deleval, René ; Féjoz, Jean-Francois)
Frizot, Julien
Franciscan sanctuaries of the Rieti valley
Fusarelli, Massimo (Brother)
Routes de Dieu : aux sources de la réligion populaire
Laurentin, René
Wayfarers’ Journal : a pilgrimage through the English countryside
Lloyd, John and Sellars, Pat
Reconquest of Spain
Lomax, Derek W.
God and Man in medieval Spain : essays in honour of J.R.L. Highfield
Lomax, Derek W. and Mackenzie, David
Spaniards in their history : an analysis of Spain’s national characteristics
Menendez Pidal, Ramon (trans. and introduced by Starkie, Walter)
Arte e historia de Espana en Inglaterra
Orden Miracle (la), Ernesto
legend of Roland: a pageant of the Middle Ages
Owen, D.D.R.