To be a pilgrim: a spiritual notebook
Hume, Basil
Uncertain Age
Hume, Ulrica
Sept graces sur le Chemin de Compostelle
Humery, Marie-Eve
Experiencing meaningful connections
Husemann, K.C., and Eckhardt, Giana M.
Guide to the Camino Ignaciano
Iriberri, José Luis (S.J.) and Lowney, Chris
Pilgrim’s Manual
Irvine, Christopher
Green pilgrimage: problems and prospects for ecology and peace-building
Ivakhiv, Adrian (in volume edited by Pazos, Anton M.)
Finding forgiveness
Jeffrey, James
Journal your camino; reflections on your journey
Jennings, David
Guide pour Compostelle: pèlerins pour l’an 2000
Jeunes Chrétiens Services