Arte e historia de Espana en Inglaterra
Orden Miracle (la), Ernesto
Pilgrim Forebear
Quaife, Patricia
Pilgrim’s body found at Cathedral
Quaife, Patricia
pilgrimage of William Wey to St James of Compostella
Quaife, Patricia
Stone pilgrims in England and Wales
Quaife, Patricia
Pilgrim ports in medieval Britain
Ramirez, Cristobal (trans. Barlow, John)
Windows onto a medieval world
Revell, John
Archaeological Journal
Royal Archaeological Institute, with article on Stoke Orchard by Rouse, E. Clive and Baker, Audrey
England in Europe 1066-1453
Saul, Nigel (ed.)
From Cornwall to Compostela: old routes to Santiago – Henfordhow dhe Sen Jago
Shaw, Hilary