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Reasons for a pilgrimage to Santiago
conversation with Dr George Greenia
Baldwin, Richard
New departures: Adrian Bell walks a unique road to redemption in Belgium
Bell, Adrian
So why are you doing this ?
Blackwell, John
archetype of pilgrimage:outer action with inner meaning
Clift, Jean Dalby and Clift, Wallace B.
pilgrimage in 1987 from the viewpoint of the Cathedral of Compostela: a talk given at the 1987 Jaca Conference
García Rodriguez, Jaime
Meaning-making and place-making: a study of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Gossen, Cecilia E.
Reasons that people walk the Camino de Santiago : connection and disconnection from the busyness of life.
Grocutt, Sarah
Motivations of pilgrimage walking the St Olav Way in Norway
Jorgensen, Nanna Natalia and Eade, John and Ekeland, Tor-Johan
crtitical examination of motives for pilgrimage to Compostela with special reference to the 11th and 12th centuries and to the late 20th and early 21st centuries
Kinahan, Ruth
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