Religious lives of knights in the years before the military Orders
Bull, Marcus
Viking Saint : Olaf II of Norway
Carr, John
Local religion in sixteenth-century Spain
Christian, William A. (Jr)
22 miracles de Saint-Jacques cités dans le Codex Calixtinus
Codex Calixtinus and Faignoy, Marie-France (ed.)
Codex Calixtinus and the shrine of St James
Codex Calixtinus and Williams, John, and Stones, Alison
Miracles of Saint James : book two of the Liber Sancti Jacobi
Codex Calixtinus, (ed. Coffey, Thomas ; Davidson, Linda Kay and Dunn, Maryjane.
Libellus Sancti Jacobi: Auszüge aus dem Jakobsbuch des 12. Jahrhunderts, ins deutsche übetragen und kommentiert von Hans-Wlihelm Klein und Klaus Herbers
Codex Calixtinus, Book II, Miracles of St James (ed. Klein, Hans-Wilhelm and Herbers, Klaus)
Medieval Saints and their sins : a new history of the Middle Ages through Saints and their stories.
Daly, Luke
open letter
Dennett, Laurie
Reading Abbey and the Abbey Quarter
Durrant, Peter; Painter, John; and friends of Reading Abbey