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Jakobsweg lesebuch : geschichte, legenden, sitten und gebrauche des spanischen Jakobswegs
Windisch, Patrick
Christian martyrs in Muslim Spain
Wolf, Kenneth Baxter
investigation into the reasons for the development of Santiago de Compostela in the Middle Ages, using the ‘Liber Sancti Jacobi’
Woolcombe, Alexander
Account for the growing popularity of major pilgrimage shrines in the eleventh and twelfth centuries
Woollcombe, Alexander
concept of Finis Terrae
Woollcombe, Alexander
Why Santiago de Compostela – Part II: ‘Alter Christus’
Woollcombe, Alexander
Why Santiago de Compostela: Part III – the French connection
Woollcombe, Alexander
Why Santiago de Compostela?
Woollcombe, Alexander
Roads and trackways of Wessex
Wright, Geoffrey N
Monastic Achievement
Zarnecki, George
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