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Jacobean pilgrims from England to St James of Compostella from the early twelfth to the late fifteenth century
Storrs, Constance Mary
Jacobean pilgrims from England to St James of Compostella from the early twelfth to the late fifteenth century
Storrs, Constance Mary
Jacobean pilgrims from England to St James of Compostella from the early twelfth to the late fifteenth century
Storrs, Constance Mary
Some medieval pilgrimages
Storrs, Constance Mary
Peregrinos ingleses a Santiago en el siglo XIV
Storrs, Constance Mary, and Cordero Carrete, F.R.
Santiago tales, 1995, by assorted pilgrims
Strickland, Rosie
Navigacion y comercio en el Golfo de Vizcaya
Suarez Fernandez, Luis
consideration of the decline of Christian pilgrimage in Europe in the late Middle Ages
Sullivan, Pat
Pilgrimage : an image of mediaeval religion
Sumption, Jonathan
In feudal times : social life in the Middle Ages
Tappan, E.M.
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