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Book Review : Katajala-Peltomaa et al. (eds), A Companion to Medieval Miracle Collections
Bailey, Anne
How the Queen’s queue can be seen as a modern form of pilgrimage
Bailey, Anne
Micro pilgrimages : a new post-secular trend ?
Bailey, Anne
Pilgrimage during covid-19 : impacts, adaptations, and recovery
Bailey, Anne
“The rich and the poor, the lesser and the great” : Social representations of female pilgrims in medieval England
Bailey, Anne E.
Journey or destination ? Rethinking pilgrimage in the Western tradition
Bailey, Anne E.
Medieval history perspectives on pilgrimage
Bailey, Anne E.
Modern and medieval approaches to pilgrimage, gender and sacred space
Bailey, Anne E.
Reconsidering the medieval experience at the shrine in high medieval England
Bailey, Anne E.
Troublesome relic of a “troublesome priest” ? Negotiating the boundaries of religion, history, and popular culture in Anglican Canterbury
Bailey, Anne E.
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