In Search of Cluny: God’s Lost empire
Mullins, Edwin
Europe in the High Middle Ages, 1150-1309
Mundy, John H
Itinerary (1494 and 1495) AND The Discovery of Guinea
Munzer, Hieronymus (Dr) ; trans. and ed. Firth, James
Printer and the pardoner.
Needham, Paul
Hundred Years War
Neillands, Robin
Wars of the Roses
Neillands, Robin
King and Emperor : a new life of Charlemagne
Nelson, Janet L. (Jinty)
Roland window in Chartres Cathedral, early 13C.
Nelson, Janet L. (Jinty)
Travel and travellers of the middle ages
Newton, A.P. et al ; Christian pilgrimages 500-800 AD by Jenkins, Rev. Claude
Une nouvelle histoire de St Gilles
Nicolas, Chanoine