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II Encuentro sobre los caminos Portugueses a Santiago
In Bristol, London and St Maurice
Pilgrimage: an inter-disciplinary conference, July 1-3, 1988
Codex Calixtinus en la Europa del siglo XII : musica, arte, codicología y liturgica
Codex Calixtinus and Asensio, Juan Carlos
Conference programmE; Pilgrims from the British isles to santiago de Compostela in the Middle Ages; a conference organised by the CSJ dedicated to the memory of D. Elias Vali
Confraternity of Saint James
Pilgrimage: Jerusalem, Rome, Santiago, Ireland: an interdisciplinary conference, 26 to 29 July, 2000
Cork, University College
[Report on] the first Encuentro Mundial de Cofradías de Santiago, a conference at Santiago, November 1994
Dennett, Laurie
caminos medievales de Galicia
Ferreira Priegue, Elisa
Modern revival of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Griffiths, William
pilgrimage towards full communion of the churches will gather at Santiago
Gros, Jeffrey
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