Einsiedeln Itineraries : a pilgrim’s guide to Rome in Charlemagne’s time
Nelson, Howard
King and Emperor : a new life of Charlemagne
Nelson, Janet L. (Jinty)
Quand des ennemis se mettent à dialoguer
Pericard-Mea, Denise
Chanson de Roland
Roland, Chanson de (ed. Gautier, Léon)
Song of Roland
Roland, Chanson de (trans. Owen, DDR)
Song of Roland
Roland, Chanson de (trans. Sayers, Dorothy)
Song of Roland
Roland, Chanson de (trans. Scott Moncrieff, Charles)
Times atlas of medieval civilizations : 1. dawn of a new age
Scarre, Chris (Dr) (ed.)
Chanson de l’Ouest (the Paladins at the Iron Gates)
Tower, Christopher and Caselli, Giovanni (ill.)
De Charlemagne a Sainte Radegonde
Treuille, Henri