24 papers from an interdisciplinary conference and covering a wide range of aspects of pilgrimage

Date added to Library: April 20, 2006


Ref Type: Other

Eade, John (ed.)
Accession No

This conference, convened by Eade and Sallnow in July 1988, had about 48 participants, including CSJ members Marion ("Margaret") Marples, Patricia Quaife, Ian Tweedie (a.k.a "A. Scot"), Prof. Robert Tate and Michael Walsh. This folder contains the texts of 24 contributions, 6 of which were chosen, slightly modified, and published in the 2 editions of Eade and Sallnow's "Contesting the Sacred" (see #00118 in BKA). The original Introduction to the book describes how the 6 were chosen to focus on anthropological aspects. The complete list of contributors is :
Dahlberg, The Body as a Principle of Holism : in book.
del Rio : Local Pilgrimage and Festival in early modern Madrid
Eade : Discourse and Power at Lourdes : in book.
McKevitt : San Giovanni Rotondo : in book.
Stirrat : Sinhala Catholic Pilgrimage : in book.
Bowman : Jerusalem Pilgrimage : in book.
Sallnow : Andean Pilgrimage. In book.
Bawa Yamba : the Bunyanian perspective
Dean : Holy Land, 1413.
Hodges : the English Pilgrim at Home.
Rinschede : the Pilgrimage Town of Lourdes.
Robbrecht :Pilgrimage and Spirituality in Belgium.
Lucas : Sufism and Healing
Jackowski : Pilgrimages in Poland
Firth : British Hindus and the Ganges.
Butterworth : Egeria.
Barot : a Swaminarayan Sect in Britain
Johnson : The Jesuits and Local Pilgrimage in Bavaria.
Pace : The theory of V. Turner.
Nolan : Visions and Shrines
Weingrod : Pilgrimages in Israel.
Giuriati and Lanzi : Fatima
McFarling : the Holy Land in 12th C.
Moore : Relics in Religion.
All texts are in typescript.